Roman Češka, roman.ceska{at}valueadded{dot}cz For nearly nine years in leadership positions, Roman Češka helped steer the course of Czech privatization. From 1992 to 1996 he was deputy to the Minister of Privatization. From 1994 to 1998 he was a chairman of the executive committee of the National Property Fund of the Czech Republic. In 1998, as a member of the Czech Parliament, he was on the Economic Committee and a member of the delegation to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
Jaroslav BORÁK, jaroslav.borak{at}valueadded{dot}cz Jaroslav BORÁK, is one of the most famous specialists in the field of Czech industry, due especially to his 30 years experience in the metallurgy, machinery and air industries, in the metallurgy research institute, in a number of companies, the ministry of industry and trade, and on the executive committee of the Czech National Property Fund; where he was responsible for the state interest in joint-stock companies for four years. He has drawn international experience from work on the consortium project in Algiers (1982-87). He was the president of the working group for steel, the E.E.C. of the U.N. (1993-95) and a member of the committee for steel, O.E.C.D. (1996-98).
Karel KŘÍŽ, karel.kriz{at}valueadded{dot}cz Karel KŘÍŽ, is a consultant in the area of crisis management, credit processing, investment prospects, mediation of business and non-business contacts, and claiming receivables. He is well known as a Czech economic analyst and commentator. He was engaged in the management of Lidové noviny for five years as the deputy editor-in-chief and a member of the Board of Directors,. He has worked as an advisor to the chairman of the executive committee of the National Property Fund, as a member of the Supervisory Board of Nová Huť Ostrava a.s. and as a member of the Board of Directors of Sokolovská Uhelná a.s. He gained important experience and contacts in the Economic Institute ČSAV where he was engaged in banking and credits. |
Petr ČERMÁK, petr.cermak{at}valueadded{dot}cz
Marie ČEŠKOVÁ, marie.ceskova{at}valueadded{dot}cz A specialist assistant at the department of law at the VŠE in Prague, and co-author of legal publications and textbooks. Her area of expertise is business law, securities law and business justice. She has practical experience with both domestic and foreign business and investment contracts and with business litigations from fifteen years of practice in the business sphere. She has worked at ÈKD, Teplotechna and Pozemní stavby among others. She acquired international experience as the executive director of the Czech representatives at the American firm QUIRES Corp., in Denver, Colorado.
Miloš KAČÍREK, milos.kacirek{at}valueadded{dot}cz Miloš KAČÍREK has two university degrees (University of Economics, Prague, branch of study: Economics of Foreign Trade; and Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague). He works as a consultant in both fields: economy as well as law. In 2007, he received his doctor’s degree at the Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague, on the subject of Justice in the Ancient Hebrew Tradition. He gave lectures at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague, and was a long-time member of the Josef Hlávka Institute for National Economy. As a Prague Christian Fellowship lay (local) preacher, he places emphasis on business ethics and promotion of the non-profit-making sector. He has helped establish several non-profit organizations, and had a share in their management. He has completed a John Maxwell’s Million Leaders Mandate (EQUIP) three-year course in order to become a leader. He heads a team engaged in organizing public contracts and selection procedures.
Radim KŘÍŽ, radim.kriz{at}valueadded{dot}cz A solicitor and specialist assistant at the department of law at the VŠE in Prague. A member of the appeals commision - Commission for Securities. His specialization is business law, stock-exchange law and securities law. He is an author and fellow-author of a range of excellent books and publications in this field. He has drawn important experience from his legal practice in Centrotex a.s. and in Investiční kapitálová společnost KB, a.s. He was a member of Boards of Directors and Supervisory Boards in a range of companies, eg. VELAMOS, a.s., LET Kunovice a.s., EXPANDIA Finance, a.s. and EXPANDIA Banks. He was first the chairman of the Supervisory Board and, later, of the Board of Directors of AERO Holding a.s. |
Milan NOVÁK, milan.novak{at}valueadded{dot}cz An experienced economist and financial analyst who brings to VALUE ADDED his fifteen years in company finances,with more than eight years of experience as director of an industrial enterprise. |
Miroslav SYLLA, miroslav.silla{at}valueadded{dot}cz A solicitor, his area of expertise is business law. At the time of the merger of the UNIPETROL group, a merger which was the first and the biggest of its kind in the Czech Republic, he was the manager of the legal department of the holding company. He acquired his other experience as the manager of a legal department and later as a member of the Supervisory Board of České dráhy during the company’s separation and transformation, and as a member of the Board of Directors of Plzeňské pivovary, during its privatization. He has also worked at the following posts: deputy of the Minister of Transport, director of a department of advisors to the Prime Minister of the ČSFR and manager of the office of the Prime Minister of the ČR. He gained his experience with the process of liquidation and bankruptcy proceedings during his work with the solicitor’s office Šváb, Zima and partners, and his experience with contractual assurance of investments during his employment with the company Železniční stavitelstvi.
Tomáš POLÁK, tomas.polak{at}valueadded{dot}cz
Apart from the above-stated professionals, the firm will be cooperating with a wide range of partners, and specialists in various areas, including tax advisors who will assure that each project will also take into account any tax consequences. .
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